Dreaming of Spring

It’s been a while since I wrote something. I find as we head towards the light of Spring my motivation and enegry also increases. Don’t get me wrong! Ive been steadily making art all winter. I am surprised too because I never get bored. I guess thats the nature of creating and allowing yourself to freely experiment, try new mediums, take risks and most of all play!

Latest news is that I am in the Artwrx Studio/Gallery till mid-March. I’m calling it my artist’s residency/retreat. Lovely artist, Sharon Lalonde, https://www.sharonlalondeart.com/ gave me access to her space there for 7 weeks. And I’m loving it. My goal is to complete four larger canvases while there. Its amazing to have so much space and I can work on 4 foot canvases (biggest I’ve worked on so far) without having to wrestle with supplies and paintings to find a space. I love my home studio and being able to shuffle out there in my slippers but its not conducive to painting on big panels. If you want to visit me at Artwrx we are open to the public Saturdays, 11-4 or by appointment. I’m not always there so message me. Here’s their webpage: https://artwrxstudio.ca/ And if you are an artist they are having a Spring SMALL ArtWRX Show & Sale. Details on the website.

Other news is that I will be having my first ever duo art show at Pearl Ellis Gallery for the month of August…only slightly daunting and having sessions of ‘biting my nails’ and thoughts, “what was I thinking?!” Ah yes, but never-say-never is my motto and so I’m diving in and I have a wonderful artist friend Miriam Myers who is sharing the show with me. So that is why I’m starting work on some larger canvases. I’d like to have 3-4 for the show. I have lots of smaller work in various sizes and I’m wanting to have a body of newish work to hang. So I’m not showing my new work, just little sneak previews. I guess its a ‘thing’ to have the art be fresh and surprising! More details to come as they unfold.

I’ve set up a corner in my spare bedroom (used to be a sewing area) for just printmaking. I’m experimenting with linocuts and collagraphs. I’m taking a collagraph course online with British artist, Sally Hirst https://sallyhirst.co.uk/ I love her style of teaching. As well, she is brilliant at showing how to convert a craft press to be useable for printmaking. I got my craft press 2nd hand for $75. And Ive had to trial various materials to adjust the bed to get the right pressure. So fun.

I’m in the midst of trialling a Squarespace website. I’ve heard lots from other artists and I like their user-friendly and attractive designs. I’d love feedback about it and you can view my ‘under-construction’ site here: https://www.elaine-smith-art.com/

Head towards the light peeps!

xxoo Elaine

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